If you too believe in the value of brands, strategies and great creative ideas; if sustainable digital solutions are important to you, then let’s get started together.
We serve major, highly specialized clinics with more than 270 facilities, almost 40,000 employees and 50 thousand hospital beds (approximately 75% of all German hospitals).
However, notable mid-sized companies, institutions and ministries also equally appreciate our consulting and creativity.
It kind of looks like a medieval castle, but this historic villa, located on the outskirts of Potsdam, houses 25 state of the art workstations. Foosball table? Nope. Lookout tower for freedom of thought – yes!
From up here one has a view of the Griebnitzsee lake as well as the S-Bahn to Berlin. Ample parking spaces right at our doorstep and a three-minute walk to the best pizza in the neighborhood. It’s all almost too nice to work here, but we do anyway: running communications!
Karl-Marx-Straße 66
D-14482 Potsdam
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A total of 25 awards and medals, including a Cannes Lion, honor our work. To this day, outstanding creativity and efficient communication are what drive us.
CINE Golden Eagle Film & Video Competition Washington DC
A brand’s values are the key to marketing and customer loyalty.
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We devise the perfect strategy for your appearance and long-term success.
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Get on the net so that you can reach anybody. We can do anything – except for beaming.
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We are founders and scholars, dreamers and concern-eradicators, encouragers and a driving force.
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That’s how good team of trainees and interns “sounds,” actualizing their very own projects.
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You don’t want to leave? You approve of what we do? … we have open job positions available.
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An impulse-giver for two dozen creative minds. From experience, she knows when discipline is called for and when to give her colleagues space.
Her own office has a standing desk and a bench for visitors without a backrest. Sitting upright keeps you focused. Indispensable: her eye for the last, finishing touch. Andrea studied communication and design, she spent many years teaching marketing concepts, advertising communication and media analysis.
She is convinced: creativity is at the core of business, but only with a well-founded scientific approach can long-term success be achieved.
As a former soccer player, the jurist and active golfer has a keen eye for strategic decisions and maintains her overview during the creative process. In a manner that is both tough and cordial, tasks are distributed, processes are guided and driven forward. Anyone who hesitates has already lost. The ball must hit its mark.
Proves on a daily basis that it is possible to make well-founded decisions without many words. Precise and direct in his execution, he delivers user-friendly results. With his “built-in navigation” Gilbert Lange always finds the best access and quickest route through the jungle that is digitalization. Language and IT, man and machine: both can be combined like vinegar and oil in a salad dressing – as a vegetarian he’s also familiar with this.
Together with UVA, we have successfully expanded our digital B2B communication for architects. The international newsletter effectively strengthens our image and engages our target audience.
Thanks to the inspiring cooperation with UVA, the public has made great advances in its perception of the Paracelsus-Clinics; be it because of the relaunch of our homepage, through campaigns and workshops and last but not least, through the stimulating intellectual exchange at eye level.
UVA has supported the Moritz Klinik in its internal communication and recruiting since the fall of 2020.
This always happens quickly with surprising creativity and professionalism, through film and radio as well as relevant social media platforms.
For myself and my work, quality and precision are essential. The same is true for UVA. Over the course of 20 years they have crafted a real brand based on my personality.
In retrospect, the new price communication concept for the Stadtwerke Potsdam has proven to be successful. The annually measured satisfaction ratings of our customers from 2019 increased by 20 percent in comparison to the previous year.
For many years UVA has managed the printed and digital implementation of the ILB bank's annual report. We greatly appreciate UVA's professionalism in the execution of ideas, layout, text and printing. Aside from their creativity, UVA's quality control processes and adherence to deadlines are remarkable.
Knowledge, special expertise and an understanding of the market are particularly important in healthcare marketing. For that reason we have been working with UVA GmbH for years. All of our projects are executed quickly and professionally in a reliable, creative, and above all transparent fashion. And the most important thing: the support is terrific! Here, people are thinking on their feet at all times!
AMEOS | ASB Regionalverband Ostbrandenburg | Bio-Rad | Biotest | Daum Medical | DGH/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanplasma mbH | Diakonie Teltow | DRK Kliniken | Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. | GITG Gesellschaft für IT-Beratung im Gesundheitswesen | GLG Gesellschaft für Leben und Gesundheit | Gräfliche Kliniken – Moritz Klinik | HELIOS Klinikum Siegburg | Herzzentrum Lahr | Hiper Ceramics | Hiper Medical AG | HNO-Praxis Schwirkmann-Tjon | HPI/Hasso-Plattner-Institut | Hörgeräte Schwalm | IGV/Institut für Getreideverarbeitung | Johanniter | Klinikum Oldenburg | Krankenhaus Eisenhüttenstadt | Lahrer Kodex | Linimed | Malteser | MEDIAN Kliniken | MediClin | Melito | Mitsubishi Pharma | Neurospective | Oberhavel Kliniken | Oberlinhaus Potsdam | Octapharma Deutschland | Octapharma Österreich | Octapharma Plasma | Octapharma Schweiz | Oder-Spree-Krankenhaus | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics | Orthopädie am Rathaus Steglitz | Paracelsus Kliniken| Pfeiffersche Stiftungen | Preclinics | ProBioGen | Prof. Ennker | Prof. Hetzer | ProGen | Rettungsdienst Landkreis Oder-Spree | Sanofi Aventis | School of Design Thinking | Schule für Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufe e. V. | Krankenhaus Eisenhüttenstadt | Staufenburg Klinik | Uni Potsdam Fakultät für Gesundheitswirtschaft | Uni Potsdam Projekt Mobile Diagnostik | ZEISS | Die ZAHNGALERIE Zahnarztpraxis Hottelmann | Zellwerk |
Autohaus Ehrl | Autohaus Wunderlich | Axthelm Architekten | BAG/Brandenburgische Automobil GmbH | BBI Berlin Brandenburg International Airport | Benefit Work-Life-Management | Berliner Bank | Berlin Hyp | Berger Sanddorn | BERLING Ingenieure | Bombardier | Brockdorff Rechtsanwälte | BüroEXPRESS | BUG Verkehrsbau | BSP Business School Berlin | Business Keeper | Christine Berger Sanddorn | Connex | Dahlback | Daimler Chrysler | Debitel | Derdack | die medienakademie | Die Norweger | digital spirit | DIVAL | DNMC | DORMA | dormakaba | dvs Datenverarbeitungsgesellschaft Sparkassenorganisation mbH | Eduard Winter Automobile | egger International | e.kundenservice Netz | EMB/Energie Mark Brandenburg GmbH | enviaM | enviaTel | Ernst-von-Bergmann-Klinikum | Essex Pharma | Eurobahn | Fiat/Region Ostdeutschland | Filmpark Babelsberg | Flughäfen Berlin | Flughafenwerbung Berlin | FOCKE ARCHITEKTEN | freenet | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung | Funkwerk Dabendorf | Gasversorgung Eisenhüttenstadt | Gemeinnütziger Verein RHICS e. V. | gravis Computervertriebsgesellschaft | Grothaus Landschaftsarchitekt | HAUPTSTADT TV | Gebr. Horne | Kinnarps | Kirsch & Drechsler | Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle | König Spezialtiefbau | Landstreicherei | LandTel | Lorberg | Mercedes-Benz | Metropolis Halle | Miasole | mvox | OTIS | Persikon | Pfahlkönig | Pfalzmöbel | Pimm´s N°1 | PNN/Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten | PPT-Gruppe | Progeo | Radio Berlin Aktuell | RapidEye | Regman Software | Rechtsanwälte Teubner & Hülsenbeck | Rechtsanwalt Christall | Rechtsanwalt Dauer | Regattastrecke Beetzsee | RWE | Sandokan | SGW Werder | SIPATEC | Smart | SMI/Sensomotoric Instruments | Solibro | Stadtwerke Brandenburg | Stadtwerke Crimmitschau | Stadtwerke Eisenhüttenstadt | Stadtwerke Stendal | SWM/Stadtwerke Magdeburg | Stadtwerke Potsdam | Stadtwirtschaft Eisenhüttenstadt | Statoil | Sternagel Mercedes Autohaus | Stiftung Stift Neuzelle | TCS/Tür Control Systeme AG | Telekom Ostdeutschland | Tierheim Potsdam | TMB/Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH | Überallfernsehen | Vattenfall | VDN Verband der Netzbetreiber e. V. | Verkehrs- und Ingenieurbau Consult | vontettau partnerschaft | VWEW/Energieverlag in Frankfurt am Main
Agentur für Kultur und Kreativwirtschaft | Architektenkammer Brandenburg | ATeNe | B1 Fernsehen | BBJ consult AG | BDEW/Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft | bdla/Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten | BEA/Brandenburgische Energiesparagentur | Beelitzer Verkehrs- und Servicegesellschaft | Berlin Partner | Bezirksamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Berlin | BIEM | BKM/Beauftragter für Kultur und Medien der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | BMFSFJ Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend | BürgerBündnis Potsdam | BUGA/Bundesgartenschau Cottbus | BUGA/Bundesgartenschau Magdeburg | Bundeskanzleramt | BPA Bundespresseamt | Bundespräsidialamt | Bundesrat | BWB/Berliner Wasserbetriebe | CeBra/Centrum für Energietechnologie Brandenburg | dena Deutsche Energie-Agentur | Designpreis des Landes Brandenburg | FHS Berlin | FHW/Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft | Gemeinsame Landesplanungsabteilung der Länder Berlin und Brandenburg | Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | HFF/Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen Konrad Wolf | HWK/Handwerkskammer des Landes Brandenburg | ibbs/ib-bank-systems | IHK/Industrie- und Handelskammer | ILB/Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg | ISS/Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik | Klimaagentur Potsdam | KSU Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e. V. | Kommunale Energieversorgung Eisenhüttenstadt | Landesfremdenverkehrsverband Brandenburg | Landkreis Potsdam Mittelmark | LASA/Landesagentur für Struktur und Arbeit Brandenburg GmbH | LBS/ Landesbausparkassen | Leipziger Messe | Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg | Medianet BB | Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Brandenburg | Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration des Landes Brandenburg | Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des Landes Brandenburg | Ministerium für Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Energie des Landes Brandenburg | OSC/Olympischer Sportclub Potsdam | OSGV/Ostdeutscher Sparkassen und Giroverband | RWK O-H-V | RWK Prignitz | SenBWF/Senat für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Berlin | Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Berlin | SFB/Sender Freies Berlin | SPSG/Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten | Staatskanzlei des Landes Brandenburg | Stadt Henningsdorf | Stadt Oranienburg | Stadt Stade | Technische Hochschule Wildau | Vertretung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen beim Bund | Wirtschaftsministerium des Landes Brandenburg | Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz | ZAB/Zukunftsagentur Brandenburg | ZVEI Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektroindustrie
Since 1992, UVA has been successfully developing communication solutions and digitalization solutions. Branding, positioning strategies and workshops as well as corporate designs, information and advertising campaigns, platforms, content, apps and websites.
What can we do for you?
UVA Communication and Media GmbH
Karl-Marx-Straße 66
D-14482 Potsdam