Die UVA erstellte die Internetseite Muttermilchspende-Ammeva

New website Muttermilchspende-Ammeva.de

Women who want to donate breast milk can quickly find all the information they need here. The right tone is particularly important

AMMEVA is one of the first companies in Germany to communicate the niche topic of breast milk donation openly and professionally. AMMEVA wants to attract more donors with its new website.

The new website is designed to provide structured and comprehensive information, but also to appeal to users on an emotional level.


The Brandenburg-based company AMMEVA produces highly specialized food for premature babies from donated breast milk. Following the company’s successful launch five years ago, a new website was needed to appeal to potential donors. The company website, which is primarily intended to appeal to customers and investors in the future, was to be retained and supplemented with a donor page that precisely meets the needs of women. In addition to donor acquisition, the focus was on communicating innovation, reliability, security and quality.


The requirements for the new website, content, structure, tonality and design were developed in several workshops with the customer. To this end, personas were developed that depicted the target group in order to define their needs as precisely as possible. The key questions were: How do we communicate such a special and intimate topic? How do we combine a high information content with a special emotional appeal? How can we get women who could imagine donating their milk to do so? How does the website convey that AMMEVA is the best partner for this? And what additional content is helpful and important?

Most website access is via cell phones – this must be taken into account from the outset.


The new website provides the desired content in a clear and concise manner. The user is quickly guided to the most important information: Why it is good to donate to AMMEVA and how it works. The familiar and appreciative approach as well as testimonials from donors create trust and a sense of togetherness. Women, especially mothers and pregnant women, but also men who are interested in the topic are addressed. Midwives and breastfeeding consultants are addressed separately as multipliers. The design is based on the design of Ammeva.de . The donor page and company page are linked with several links. The news feed and blog, which the customer will maintain independently in future, will keep the site up to date and lively.

That’s what we experienced as Team UVA while working on this project.

Click here to go to Muttermilchspende-Ammeva.de

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