Recruiting campaign

Attention through authentic expressions with insider knowledge

Because CPAP and BIPAP are not LOL? In this recruiting campaign, texts were used that appeal directly and exclusively to the target group.


The hospital association Sankt Joseph Krankenhaus Berlin-Tempelhof and Franziskus-Krankenhaus Berlin, SJK and FKH, wanted a fresh recruiting campaign for nursing professions. Instead of classic marketing components, authentic messages from everyday working life were to be used.

Recruiting with snappy slogans from real employees


In a workshop with nursing staff, texts were developed that appeal directly to the target group because they originate directly from the hospital environment or can be related to it. Some texts can only be understood with specialist knowledge or make particular sense to people who work in the clinic. Humor also plays a role. 20 motifs were developed according to this scheme, plus a landing page under the umbrella of the careers page.

Sample texts: I’m nursing here because it’s not just Halloween that makes your bones rattle. Come to us in the orthopaedics department. // I nurse here because nothing can get to my kidneys. Come to us in nephrology and urology. // I nurse here because CPAP and BIPAP are not LOL. Come to us in the ITS.

The design is very restrained, only a few icons were used. Impact and attention should be achieved primarily through the texts, the headline should speak for itself and the message should not be overbuilt.


The campaign was played out via social media channels and used for Google Ads. In some cases, large posters were hung in selected public places.

The feedback from the employees was consistently positive, which in turn had a positive effect on their own perception, recognition, appreciation and thus also their charisma, and can ultimately convince the desired new applicants.

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