SJK Recruiting Kampagne

Recruiting campaign, visual and digital

Development of a comprehensive, wide-ranging media campaign including a landing page for the SJK

Recruiting healthcare workers is harder than ever. The St. Joseph Hospital wanted to address young people in Berlin with a fresh campaign and present themselves as a modern employer.


A broad employee recruiting campaign was to be designed for the Berlin hospital association St. Joseph Hospital and St. Franziskus Hospital. Mainly but not exclusively for the care sector. The aim was to present the SJK and FKH as modern employers for young people, dynamic, diverse, likeable.

Recruiting campaign care SJK in Berlin
Visible in the cityscape: the SJK career campaign


In order to address the target group, in this case a rather younger audience in the capital, we decided on a campaign with snappy slogans and authentic pictures of real hospital employees. This puts a focus on the sense of community and consistently positive self-image of the workforce. For maximum visibility, especially directly in the cityscape, as many media as possible should be used, not just digital ones.


The creative process was accompanied by several meetings. Additional channels for displaying the campaign were jointly developed. The consistently trusting and inspiring cooperation with employees of Personnel Marketing was formative. The corporate design provided the creative framework, also a UVA development.

Recruiting campaign care SJK in Berlin
Unmissable: posters and floor graphics.

The result:

Five motifs were developed, which appear in different forms and ensure a recognition value. The focus was on the comprehensive poster campaign, which was already effective because of the volume. A total of 30,000 posters and 100 floor graphics were glued, and stickers, multi-advertising posters, advertising trailers and mobile posters for advertising trailers were also produced. An Instagram campaign was played online. Furthermore, a landing page for interested parties and applicants was developed.

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